Hooray for Hamas. No, really. Kind of.
I know as a pro-Israel Jew I'm supposed to be dismayed at Hamas' victory in the recent Palestianian elections, but I can't help but feel hopeful about it. Now, unlike before the elections, the necessary conditions for a peace agreement exist. It's a truism in Arab-Israeli politics that no one who makes a career of talking about peace is capable of delivering it. Only a brute with impeccable credentials for hating the enemy will be trusted by his people to make concessions on their behalf. Rabin, Sharon and Arafat were all proof of this. (Barak too, although he was by far the least militant, and consequently lacked the political strength of the others.) Mahmoud Abbas was never going to have the authority to make a peace agreement and make it stick, but Hamas will.
Okay, so Hamas, officially, isn't interested in peace, only the destruction of Israel. Fine -- so was the P.L.O. To stay in power (barring an illegal power grab, which I don't think Israel or the U.S. would tolerate), Hamas is going to have to change its ways to reflect the wishes of the Palestinian people. Are they ready for peace? I'm not sure -- but if they're not, no government is going to push them into it. (I just saw on the New York Times' site that I'm not alone in seeing things this way.)
Okay, so Hamas, officially, isn't interested in peace, only the destruction of Israel. Fine -- so was the P.L.O. To stay in power (barring an illegal power grab, which I don't think Israel or the U.S. would tolerate), Hamas is going to have to change its ways to reflect the wishes of the Palestinian people. Are they ready for peace? I'm not sure -- but if they're not, no government is going to push them into it. (I just saw on the New York Times' site that I'm not alone in seeing things this way.)